Design, Code, Create & Come, Together
Reasons:London is the sister event of the award winning 3 day international conference with a festival vibe. Reasons:London is held annually in Old St, London, and brings the very best speakers from design and code to take to the stage and inspire, inform, entertain, thrill, teach and network with web designers and coders that attend from all over the world.
Digital creatives are multi-disciplined, and draw their inspiration for great work from many different influences. Reasons:London is curated with that in mind, bringing content from many disciplines to inspire, inform and educate designers, coders, creatives, film makers, animators, installation builders, illustrators, and artists and more.
Reasons to: is the award winning 3 day international conference with a festival vibe. Held annually in Brighton UK, it brings the very best international speakers from design and code to take to the stage and inspire, inform, entertain, thrill, teach and network with web designers and coders that attend from all over the world.
Digital creatives are multi-disciplined, and draw their inspiration for great work from many different influences.Reasons to: is curated with that in mind, bringing content from many disciplines to inspire, inform and educate designers, coders, creatives, film makers, animators, installation builders, illustrators, and artists and more.
Tenor des Updates ist mehr Klarheit, mehr Übersichtlichkeit. Die Produktseiten sind nun in 3 Tabs unterteilt: Übersicht, Produktdetails und die Pakete als Feature-Matrix. So lassen sich auch große Inhalte einfach durchforsten ohne ellenlange Seite scrollen zu müssen.
SaaS Web Internet Solutions GmbH bietet seit 2011 „managed“ Anwendungen für Unternehmen aus den Bereichen Blog & Websites, Portale & Communities, E-Business, Office und Developer. Die Produkte richten sich an Web-Agenturen und Power-User (insbesondere die Website-CMS, die Portal/Community-Anwendungen und die Shop-Lösungen) und allgemein an Unternehmen, die ihre Software outsourcen möchten. SaaS Web betreibt die Anwendungen für die Kunden, sodass diese sich nicht um technische Belange kümmern müssen. SaaS Web bietet fast ausschließlich Open Source Software und zählt aktuell über 50 verschiedene Anwendungen.
SaaS Web ist Europas erster (und einziger) SaaS Provider mit einer dermaßen großen Bandbreite an Produkten.
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